Shoreline Preservation
Here are some links to pages on how people are protecting, preserving and restoring shorelines. Some good ideas out there.
Local Media
The Minden Times is a local newspaper that will allow you to see and read about top stories in the area.
The Haliburton Echo is another local newspaper with an alternate view to some of the same stories.
The Highlander is a local independently owned newspaper.
Parks Canada Water Levels. Parks Canada - Parks Canada Water
Water Quality
Find Secchi Disc and Phosphorus information for individual lakes on this MOE page
Information about invading species in Ontario
The Dorset Environmental Science Centre contains information and data on various lake’s volunteer water sampling for Secchi Disc and Phosphorus .under the Lake Partner Banner
Parks Canada Trent Severn Waterway Water Levels for Canning Lake. Go to: Accept disclaimer/ Burnt River Watershed/ Canning Lake.
Environment Canada or call 1.800.668.6767
Tornadoes (General Information):
Summer sever weather warnings information:
Cottage Days General Interest
For dates and times of the International Space Station passes and other satellite information go to
Government & Associations
Ministry of the Environment. The general link to this set of government pages where they have many interesting reports
The Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations FOCA is an organization that follows and supports many lake organization issues. 705.749.3622
The Township of Minden Hills site will allow you to search for reports, history and other news about your local government. 705.286.1260
Environment Haliburton is a site that is dedicated to help us all protect and support the ecology and natural environment in Haliburton county.
The Haliburton County web site will give you access to county wide issues and information.
Pest Alerts is a government food inspection web site to inform you about pests, food alerts and invading species that may be headed our way.
TheHaliburton Highlands Outdoors Association is a non profit volunteer organization that is committed to sustainable natural resource management. They operate the Haliburton Fish Hatchery and the Haliburton Lake Trout Project as well as other initiatives.
Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations – CHA – A group of over 40 property owners’ associations representing more than 50 lakes from across Haliburton County Fire Smart for articles of interest about fire safety in Ontario’s waterfront communities. 705.249.3622 or call 1.877.792.3926 ext 214
Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (water levels)
Home emergency Prepardness: 1.888.795.7635
Haliburton Fish Hatchery