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Did you know that Canning Lake had it own pennant? Maybe you don't even remember the pennants you could buy as souvenirs almost everywhere you could travel in North America. But at one time, last century, you could buy a peennant of Canning Lake and even Ingoldsby. Here is a scan of the Canning Lake version, showing the fishing theme from the 1950's. Sure looks like a whopper!
1952-53 photo of the bath house and sauna for the Silverwood Lodge. The building shown was converted to a semi-detached pair of cabins for a period and then was sold as a single cottage from 1956 until 2004 when it was replaced by a new cottage at 1206 Silverwood Road.
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Map to Canning Lake from the early part of the 1900's.

Rest Point Lodge ad.

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Downtown Minden

1949 July 21st post card

Flinks Whitehouse

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With the help of these sailing photos and description submitted by roger Saarimaki we can see that sailing on Canning Lake has been popular for many years.

The sailboat was built in 1933-34 by Paul Saarimaki's dad, and was all hand made, the boat, the mast and boom and the sail. Paul's father was a tailor so he had access to some heavy duty sewing machines to make the canvas sail. He called it the Fanny Dunker and it was used a lot to take guests out sailing from Rest Point Lodge. The close up picture shows Roger's mother, Evelyn Saarimaki sailing it but you can see the hand hewn boom and the hand made sail in the photo. The other picture shows it out on the lake. Both pictures likely from the early 1940's. It has been said that it was the first sail craft on the lake that anyone could remember. Submitted by Roger Saarimaki

Evelyn Saarimaki sailing on Canning Lake.

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One of the first newsletters referencing a meeting of November 1962, the year the CLPOA was formed.

Ad for new Canning Lake lots and cottages for sale. 1960's?

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Downtown Minden 1942. Photo from Wendy Evenden showing Walter Evenden, her great grandfather, with his back to camera getting some oil put in his 1937 Chev.

Sales outline of lots on east shore. 1960's?

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Silverwood Lodge post card Date ???

Rest Point Lodge Dance Hall.
Date ????

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1948 photo of Battle Island taken from Cooper's
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